The newspaper boy get recognition…

Submitted by MyFunCloset February 6th, 2011
Certifikitsch Winner

I can remember the daily paper being delivered by a neighbor boy who lived down the street…AFTER school.  In today’s world, that’s old news. He would come around each week to collect for the paper. Maybe it was 10 cents and 25 cents for a jumbo Sunday paper.

7 Responses to “The newspaper boy get recognition…”

  1. Allee Willis

    I love this kind of paper stuff. And really love that all of the artifacts of being a proud newspaper boy were kept. Though I do hope that this guy achieved something greater in later life than tossing things onto people’s front porches. He probably still had his bike too.

    Did you find these at a garage sale?

    • MyFunCloset

      A few years ago, we shamelessly went dumpster diving the night before a mound of 1950’s treasures, neatly stacked at the curb side was ready to be tossed, (how sad). This was part of that discovery. At one point the owners came out and said help yourself. We actually gave back some family photos they overlooked.
      In the past, I shared cereal box comics with you and maybe a few other “keepers’. I’ve got a few more to share with you from this “dive”. I’ll note them in the description.
      This “boy” is now a retired executive, about 70 years old. I even have his report cards!

      • Allee Willis

        That’s fantastic. There’s been a few times where I’ve inherited people’s complete past. I always felt it was my duty to keep everything together once I inherited it. Finding that kind of stuff poking out of the trash is one of the most thrilling things that can happen to a collector!

  2. chazdesimone

    I was one of those newspaperboys who won “Star Carrier” awards, trips to Disneyland, and other goodies for selling the most subscriptions, porching each and every paper, and charming the hell out of my customers. I was usually late with the paper – it was an afternoon route but you’d think it was evening – but when I was REALLY late I’d enclose a pre-printed note (yes, I was into mimeographs and spirit duplicators – a real junior high school nerd) that gave the excuse while I was late. Of course, printing those excuses made me even later! But my customers loved me, and I got a whopping $50 in tips every Christmas (at 15 years old in 1966 that was a lot of spending money). To this day that is my most treasured job. I even have my personal business card that I printed in junior high print shop just for that paper route.

  3. Patty McDonald

    It always makes me sad to think that someone saved it for years and then someone else takes your prized possessions and throw them to the curb.