The Royal Wedding, a Tribute

Submitted by shirlie williams April 18th, 2011
Certifikitsch WinnerClassique d Camembert
I thought I would pop in something that reflects my own thoughts, as someone whose sector of work ,Libraries is being cut to the quick, but I then started to search out the more unusual memorabilia aspect of it and this is a selection of what I consider to be little gems. Get your hats out and pour a gin and tonic because without this wedding we would not have these wonderful items….Taking care of your Crown Jewels

Taking care of your Crown Jewels.

I am lost for words !

One of my favourites, look at those corgis!

When tired of knitting you can amuse yourself with these splandid cut out dolls.


Just what I have always wanted, stop the stampede the fridge freezer is mine !! I have just the place for it.

When it all becomes to much.

I admit to being tempted by these .

A nice cup of tea please and a slice of cake.

And a coaster to ponder the future just one Prince left !

4 Responses to “The Royal Wedding, a Tribute”

  1. Allee Willis

    Love that the memorabilia has stretched far beyond the normal teapot, dishes and keychains, all of which I have from the royal wedding in the 50s. But this collection you display here is seriously great. Standouts for me include the condoms, the fingernails (perhaps my favorite), the knitted royal family, and that refrigerator graphic (definitely my second favorite). Please continue posting any of these lunatic salutes to Will and Kate you find.

  2. Lisa Rios

    The barf bag is so perfect. I want one of those. Are there really losers that would wallpaper the fridge like that? Unbelievable. He’s NOT a real, real attractive young man.

    Sorry to hear the UK is making hurtful budget cuts, just like the USA.

  3. denny

    Are you kidding me? Shirlie, you were right, you sure were saving up some royal kitsch for awmok.

    The hand puppets and the finger nails are pretty flippin’!

  4. BeeJay

    As you know, Shirlie, I´m a collector of paperdolls. I´m not much into the royal wedding, but those are pretty neat. Best of all – definately the sick bag :D