"Neutron Dance" is one of several
titles whose artistic expression
I spread across several mediums.
It was on The Pointer Sisters'
"Breakout" LP in 1984 and released
as a single in 1985 from the
Beverly Hills Cop soundtrack
for which I won a Grammy in 1986.
"Neutron Dance" also became my
first motorized piece of art in
1985 and sprung two parties -
a "Neutron Dance" unveiling
in 1985 and The Borscht Belt
Birthday party in 1986, which
celebrated me being branded a
subversive by the Communist
press in 1985. And the song was
also sung by my beloved Del
Rubio Triplets in 1987 as a duet
with Ruth Pointer the first time
I presented them at my Small
Change party and recorded on
their legendary "Three Gals/
Three Guitars" LP in 1988.

1985. Me in front of "Neutron Dance." the
first motorized art piece I ever made.